Edit a given image synchronously using the provided mask. The mask indicates which part of the image should be edited, while the prompt and chosen style type can further guide the edit.
Supported image formats include JPEG, PNG, and WEBP.
Images links are available for a limited period of time; if you would like to keep the image, you must download it.
The prompt used to describe the edited result.
The model used to generate an image or edit one. /generate and /remix supports all model types, however, /edit is only supported for V_2 and V_2_TURBO.
Determine if MagicPrompt should be used in generating the request or not
The style type to generate with; this is only applicable for models V_2 and above and should not be specified for model versions V_1.
Image edits generated successfully.
The time the request was created.
A list of ImageObjects that contain the generated image(s).